PRESS RELEASE December 24th, Monday 2007
On December 25th Tuesday Grandma Santa Claus & Auntie Santa Claus will visit the Memorial Oak Grove adjacent to UC Berkeley Memorial Stadium at 12 noon.
Grandma Santa Claus and Auntie Santa Claus will be bringing a message from the North Pole to deliver to the Citizens of Berkeley and The University of California Regents.
Grandma Santa Claus and Auntie Santa Claus have journeyed here to especially applaud the Community and to present presents to the Tree Sitters.
"I know that many of you have been so nice and caring stand up and protect these trees and to do what you can to stop Global Warming. but some of you have been naughty and not nice",
said Grandma Claus. "Yes!" chimed in Auntie Claus...Santa Claus said that we should go to
are becoming homeless! Building buildings and cutting down trees to do it is not OK with us."
"So here we are to take a stand with all those good people but homeland security won't let the reindeer in with us-- some type of silly terrorist law" commented Grandma Claus.
"Yes, and Rudolph and all the others are quite upset for what are we to do when we become homeless? And then there are the elves and Santa's workshop,
we don't contract out our work and we don't do sweat shops you know!” And then there are the polar bears, and penguins and many other of our
brothers and sisters around the world that are threatened! It's bad enough that all the California San Francisco Bay Area bears are gone ... we see they are only on T-Shirts and Notebook covers now –
and how sad that you have these people running around calling themselves the
Grandma and Auntie Claus insist that this is still the season of giving... and that means giving back to the earth that supports all of us.
Grandma Santa Claus and Auntie Santa Claus were informed that it was illegal to act in concert with the Tree Sitters. Grandma Santa Claus and Auntie Santa Claus were reported to exclaim: “We can be arrested for giving gifts on Christmas Day, are you serious? Does Santa know this??"
The public is invited to join Grandma Santa Claus and Auntie Santa Claus.
celebrating the spirit and colors of Christmas-
a holiday and a holy day that has many meanings for many people going back centuries.
Auntie Santa Claus added, “If you really want to stop Global Warming you can make it happen- if you want to save the
Grandmothers for the Oaks Winter Solstice Party... Grandmothers for the Oaks Winter Solstice Party
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